Team Members

Home Our Team
Who We Are

We love what we do and we love helping others succeed

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How we work on your digital projects

A strong philosophy oriented towards your satisfaction

Our team has lived through difficult times, has experienced mergers, failures, successes… We have had time to build a strong company culture because we love working with each other, we love our customers and what we do for them. We are aligned with these values, but what does this mean to you in concrete terms?

Lontsie Minette
Lontsie Minette

Managing Director

Olivier Moukodi
Olivier Moukodi

Project Manager

Farida Maffoho
Farida Maffoho

Assistant Chef Projet Digital


Lead Developper

Year of Experience

We are creative in design and development

Creating ideas that matters to people.

Business Goal


Traffic Growth


Competitor Research


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